A range of sources of Collagen on the market, but are they equivalent? Let’s break down their characteristics.
- Derived from fish scales/skin and jellyfish
- It is the cheapest form available, so companies like to promote it
- Devoid of clinical support to validate its effectiveness
- Often pre-digested (hydrolysed) to make it soluble
- Generated from cow hide and hoofs
- Available in various forms of complexity & support
- Pre-digested for solubility and absorption
- Clinical support limited to certain branded bioactive peptides
- Obtained from rooster combs and egg membranes
- Minimal clinical research documenting benefits
- Not actually Collagen, but small peptides created from fermentation processes to mimic structures in Collagen.
- Devoid of clinical research to determine its utility and effectiveness
- An amino acid cocktail using the collagen name for marketing purposes
VERISOL®B (bovine)
- The VERISOL®B (bovine) brand is a highly selected range of peptides that do more than supply critical amino acids to make collagen, VERISOL®B (bovine) activates skin cells (Fibroblasts) to generate locally Collagen and other matrix elements.
- VERISOL®B (bovine) Is made from Collagen derived from multiple sources (Bovine, Marine) as it selects the most important peptides to optimize skin health
- Global leader in providing clinical support validating its benefits on Collagen and matrix metabolism to promote skin health, appearance, function and form.
- Promotes health and growth of fingernails
- Reduces cellulite
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