

Obesity Management RCT

Fat Burning via activation of AMP Kinase

Reductions in Fat Mass (RCT)

Healthy Blood Pressure Management

Blood Pressure Regulation

Appetite Control

Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Health

Modification of Gut Microbiome

Chromax®, Chromium picolinate

Improved Absorption over other forms of Chromium

Weight Loss and Body Composition

  1. Bhadori B, et. al. Effect of chromium yeast and chromium picolinate on body composition of obese, non-diabetic patients during and after a formula diet. Acta Med Austriaca. 1997; 24(5):185-7. (abstract) 
  2. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 170 5th paragraph) 
  3. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 172-173) 
  4. Kaats GR et. al. Effects of Chromium Picolinate supplementation on body composition: a randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-controlled Study. Curr Ther Res. 1996; 57(10):747. (Pg. 753) 
  5. Bulbulian R, Pringle DD, Liddy MS. Chromium picolinate supplementation in male and female swimmers. J Am Coll Sports Med. 1996 (S1). 28(5). (abstract) 
  6. Kaats GR, Blum K, Pullin D, Keith SC, Wood R. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: a replication and extension of a previous study. Curr Ther Res. 1998; 59(6):379-388. 

Promoting Lean Body Mass

  1. Bhadori B, et. al. Effect of chromium yeast and chromium picolinate on body composition of obese, non-diabetic patients during and after a formula diet. Acta Med Austriaca. 1997; 24(5):185-7. (abstract) 
  2. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 170 5th paragraph) 
  3. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 172-173) 
  4. Kaats GR et. al. Effects of Chromium Picolinate supplementation on body composition: a randomized, Double-Masked, Placebo-controlled Study. Curr Ther Res. 1996; 57(10):747. (Pg. 753) 
  5. Bulbulian R, Pringle DD, Liddy MS. Chromium picolinate supplementation in male and female swimmers. J Am Coll Sports Med. 1996 (S1). 28(5). (abstract) 
  6. Kaats GR, Blum K, Pullin D, Keith SC, Wood R. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled study of the effects of chromium picolinate supplementation on body composition: a replication and extension of a previous study. Curr Ther Res. 1998; 59(6):379-388. (abstract) 

Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Lipids

  1. Anderson RA, et al. Elevated intakes of supplemental chromium improve glucose and insulin variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 1997; 46:1786-1791. (Results last paragraph Pg. 1788) 
  2. Cefalu WT, Wang ZQ, Zhang XH, Baldor LC, Russell JC. Oral chromium picolinate improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and enhances skeletal muscle Glut-4 translocation in obese, hyperinsulinemic (JCR-LA Corpulent) rats. J Nutr. 2002; 132:1107–1114. (Discussion second sentence Pg. 1109) 
  3. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 165) 
  4. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 167) 
  5. Kaats GR, Keith SC, Wise JA, Pullin D, MS, Squires W. Effects of baseline total cholesterol levels on diet and exercise interventions. J Am Nutraceutical Assoc. 1999; 2(1):42-49. 

Helps Improve Carbohydrate Metabolism and Blood Sugar 

  1. Anderson RA, et al. Elevated intakes of supplemental chromium improve glucose and insulin variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 1997; 46:1786-1791. (Results first sentence Pg. 1787) 
  2. Cefalu WT, Wang ZQ, Zhang XH, Baldor LC, Russell JC. Oral chromium picolinate improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and enhances skeletal muscle Glut-4 translocation in obese, hyperinsulinemic (JCR-LA Corpulent) rats. J Nutr. 2002; 132:1107–1114. (Discussion first sentence Pg. 1109) 
  3. Evans GW. The effect of chromium picolinate on insulin controlled parameters in humans. Int J Biosoc Med Res. 1989; 11(2):163-180. (Pg. 167) 
  4. Miranda ER, Dey CS. Effect of chromium and zinc on insulin signaling in skeletal muscle cells. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2004; Oct;101 (1):1936. (Abstract) 

Helps Optimize Insulin Function

  1. Cefalu WT, Beil-Farrow AD, Stegner J, Wang ZQ, King T, Morgan T, Terry JG. Effect of chromium picolinate on insulin sensitivity in vivo. J Trace Elem in Exp Med. 1999; 12:71-83. 
  2. Morris BW, Peacey S, MacNeil S, Gray T. Enhancement in insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteers following supplementation with chromium picolinate. Med Biochem. 1998; 1:65-72. 

Helps Reduce Carbohydrate Cravings

  1. Cefalu WT, Beil-Farrow AD, Stegner J, Wang ZQ, King T, Morgan T, Terry JG. Effect of chromium picolinate on insulin sensitivity in vivo. J Trace Elem in Exp Med. 1999; 12:71-83. 
  2. Morris BW, Peacey S, MacNeil S, Gray T. Enhancement in insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteers following supplementation Med Biochem. 1998; 1:65-72. 
  3. Docherty JP, Sack DA, Roffman M, Finch M, Komorowski JR. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, exploratory trial of chromium picolinate in atypical depression: effect of carbohydrate craving. J Psychiatr Pract. 2005; 11(5):302-314. (Pg. 310) 
  4. McLeod MN, Gaynes BN, Golden RN. Chromium potentiation of antidepressant pharmacotherapy for dysthymic disorder in 5 patients. J Clin Psychiatry. 1999; 60:237-240. 

Helps Promote Heart and Cardiovascular Health

  1. Anderson RA, et al. Elevated intakes of supplemental chromium improve glucose and insulin variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 1997; 46:1786-1791. (Pg. 1788) 
  2. Lee NA, Reasner CA. Beneficial effect of chromium supplementation on serum triglyceride levels in NIDDM. Diabet Care. 1994; 17(12):1449-1452. (Pg. 1451) 
  3. Rabinovitz H, Friedensohn A, Leibovitz A, Gabay G, Rocas C, Habot B. Effect of chromium supplementation on blood glucose and lipid levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus elderly patients. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2004; 74(3):178-182. (Pg. 179) 
  4. Boyd SG, et al. Combined chromium picolinate supplementation and an exercise program leads to a reduction of serum cholesterol and insulin in college students. J Nutr Biochem. 1998. 9:471-475. (Pg. 472) 
  5. Kaats GR, Keith SC, Wise JA, Pullin D, MS, Squires W. Effects of baseline total cholesterol levels on diet and exercise interventions. J Am Nutraceutical Assoc. 1999; 2(1):42-49. (Pg. 47) 


Blood Glucose and Cardiovascular Regulation

Inflammation and Diabetes


Inflammation, Cognition and Health Impacts